Friday, July 31, 2015

A New Knitting Pattern: Triple Ribbed Pixie Bonnet

Friday, July 24, 2015

The First Signs of Spring

This winter has been one of the coldest I can remember. It was a little delayed in arriving but then came out of nowhere with a chilly blast that had us keeping the fire in the stove going all day and night. The morning chores were a bulky affair with layer after layer of clothing being required, including scarves, gloves, beanies and hoods. We came close to frost, and whilst those of you who have experienced snow are probably laughing, for this coastal raised girl it was way too cold.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Recipe: Cream Cheese or Quark Doughnuts

Earlier in the month we celebrated a family birthday. The thing I don't usually enjoy about parties is that the women usually spend the majority of the time in the kitchen, so you either miss the party or are too worn out from the before prep to enjoy yourself.
However, this time we kept the menu simple but divine and it turned out to be a really lovely, enjoyable day perfectly finished off with a movie by the fire in the evening and another plate of goodies.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

10 Good Things Right Now

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

For The Love of Country Living

I was milking the cow this morning, watching the milk froth as the jets of creamy milk hit it. It suddenly struck me that until nine months ago I had no idea how to milk a cow. When Missy calved in October, I had to learn how to milk through trial and error. There were sore hands from the exercise they weren't used to, tears from spilled milk and proud reports of the amount of milk collected that day. Now milking has just become part of the daily ritual, it's no trouble and it still makes me smile.

Sunday, July 05, 2015

Baking Tips for Spelt & Whole Wheat Baking

Spelt Butter Cake made with homegrown/made cultured butter & dusted with rapadura & cinnamon & decorated with edible flowers and leaves 

 Making the switch from using white flour (either bleached or unbleached) can be tricky.
Whole grain flours can be harder to work with in the beginning. When we swapped from using "normal" flour to grinding our wheat ourselves I thought I wouldn't be able to make a loaf of sandwich bread, a cake that didn't crumble or cook a crepe ever again.
I looked for tips and advice but had trouble finding it as we were a year or two ahead of the whole food movement and information on baking with alternative ingredients was limited.
We've been grinding our own flour for about 5 years now, and I can tell you that cooking a whole batch of crepes is a breeze and that spelt makes the best tasting, fluffiest pancakes you've ever had.

Thursday, July 02, 2015

Home Grown

It's a grey wet winter's day here. It' been like this, off and on, for the last few weeks. A mixture of cold winds, damp days and some actual rain. 

I'm supposed to be planting veggie seeds, planning a tea party menu, finishing my Pixie Bonnet pattern, photographing new stock, waking up my sourdough starter, bathing a dog (or two), picking veggies for dinner, skimming thick cream off the top of milk and a heap of other things. 
But instead I'm taking a minute here to share some of the home grown happenings in my kitchen for Celia's monthly kitchen tour.
© Say Little Hen
Maira Gall